What I Write

I have self-published three titles, besides Yldrath’s Baffling QuestTrue Wealth of Nations is a polemic against contemporary economic theories, from an engineering perspective. My book A New Monetary System is a total rewrite of that book with some material deleted and a lot of new materials added. Att återta Socialdemokratins hjärta is a political book about Swedish politics, which has been reviewed favourably in three Swedish newspapers. All are available at lulu.com.

In my professional work, as a computer consultant, most of my writing was in English. I have written reports, user manuals, instructions, information brochures and more. I have been a speaker at several national seminars, written many articles in the trade press and I have developed and held several courses.

I have had two books published: Understanding Object-Oriented Engineering. Published by Industrilitteratur 1993.Understanding Object-Oriented Software Engineering. Published by IEEE PRESS 1996.

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